Democratizing the creation of elegant
banners for everyone's project.
Generate banner backgroundDisclaimer
This project is currently in its early stages of development, and there may be instances where it is either not functioning as intended or experiencing issues.
▲ npm install -g dach
Dach strength lies in the ability to create themes for it using the web toolkit. After you have created a theme, you can use it to generate banners for your projects. There are already predefined themes that you can use if you dont find the need to create your own.
Generate banner using predefined theme:
▲ dach generate -o . -t Title -d Description --theme funk
Add new theme:
▲ dach add example --colors '["#fafafa"]' --positions '[{"x":0.49618420439786215,"y":0.22918175634846816}]' --title-color "#191919" --description-color "#191919"
Generate banner using added theme:
▲ dach generate --output "./.github" --title "Example" --description "Banner theme toolkit" --theme example --ratio "16:9"